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Global Symposium 2018: The rise of the robot consultant

Management Consultants have always needed to keep their skills up-to-date - to stay ahead of their competitors and their clients.  Otherwise one soon becomes personally and occupationally redundant.

So how disruptive will be the effects of the latest wave technological change - artificial intelligence, big data, cyber security and robotics - on the skills needed by consultant?  Or are there 'timeless skills' that will prevail?

These are the questions that were asked in a major study that has been conducted over the past year by the Centre for Management Consulting Excellence, assisted by students from Coventry University and Cass Business School.  The study invited a wide range of consultants and other experts to consider what skills management consultants will need in 2030.

The results of the study were presented at the CMCE Symposium in November 2018.  Chris Sutton, who led the study, reported on the results and then there was commentary from Sir George Cox - a Past Master and recently Pro-Chancellor of Warwick University, who has extensive leadership experience in the consulting industry; from Mark Goyder - Founder of Tomorrow's Company; and from Chris Hay - Distinguished Engineer at IBM.  There followed a lively discussion, including suggestions  for further research.

Mick James' account of the Symposium can be found below, and the report on the study can be downloaded here.